Tools of Neuromanagement, to strengthen the leadership competencies of executives in the logistics areas of the auto parts industry

Arlen López Arce, José María Bedolla Cordero, Erik Tapia Mejía, Beatriz Pico González


In the current organizational environment, companies recognize the need to design new forms of administration and leadership, within an environment of responsible management, with the influence of behavior and emotions, which allows the success of it. To this end, this research aims to conceptually analyze the most relevant leadership competencies for the logistics areas of the auto parts industry, emphasizing the tools of Neuromanagement. In a first instance, a literature review was carried out, identifying the needs for leadership change within an environment focused on the qualities and skills of the leader, in the following block, 45 papers selected based on the methodological strategy of systematic literature review of Kitchenham and Charters (2007) are analyzed. In the third section, the results obtained are explained. The synergy between the leadership competencies of the managers and the tools of Neuromanagement will achieve a competitive advantage. In conclusion, executives will improve with internal tools based in person, starting with their brain, reflecting improved leadership and performance that will benefit their company´s strategy in the auto parts industry.


Neuromanagement, Leadership competencies, Logistics, Auto parts industry

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