The impact of overpopulation on the quality of life

Octavio Rodríguez Sarabia


The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact generated by the excessive increase in the population density, it means overpopulation, on the quality of life of the inhabitants of Puebla city, thus the Maslow's Needs Model Applied to Populations (MANMAP) was developed in this research, where each Maslow´s dimension is evaluated to estimate the quality of life of people through the satisfaction of aggregate needs. Therefore, a survey was carried out in Puebla city to know the perception of their satisfaction about MANMAP ´s dimensions over time to assess whether the gradual overpopulation causes dissatisfaction. The results revealed that the excessive growth of the density of population in the city has reduced their satisfaction in the MANMAP ´s dimensions, therefore it´s inferred that it has reduced their quality of life.


Overpopulation, happiness, population density, quality of life, Maslow

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