Introduction to disruptive innovation and its effect in some industrial sectors

Alejandra Corichi García, Juan Carlos Pérez García, José Antonio Pérez Enzastiga, Karina Valencia Sandoval


Disruptive innovation is a term that industry has adopted when new technologies or new business models are implemented and outperform the market in which they operate; therefore the companies are transformed, including the industrial sectors. The present article began with a descriptive investigation, when consulting the referred articles, innovation concepts of different authors were identified, in the same way the typology of the innovations that can arise in the organizations was studied; highlighting the term of disruptive innovation, from this construct an exploratory research was used as there was no knowledge about the effects of disruptive innovation in different industrial sectors; Obtaining as a result of this review, that disruptive innovation shows similarities in the creation of better products with better materials; a better price and a new market to meet the needs of consumers.

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