Strategic resilience and crises in small and medium enterprises

Cecilia López Camacho, Alfredo Toriz Palacios, Filiberto Valenzuela Mendoza, Jesús Ramón López Sánchez


In general when the word crisis is mentioned, one thinks of a difficult situation that can cause unexpected results for the organizations. This assumption can become a reality, but it could also be transformed into an opportunity to make changes and innovate and thus find the elements that help small and medium enterprises to get ahead and in the best case of a strengthened way. It is essential that these actions are given in time because if the reaction is late or nothing is done about it, it can become a setback, with often complicated endings. However, the best scenario is to prepare in advance to confront these problematic situations. In this context, this article presents the concept of strategic resilience and is analyzed as an important factor for crisis management in the small and medium enterprises


crisis, strategic resilience, small and medium enterprises

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