Design of a model for sustained development of SMEs in the Mexican construction sector.

Ernesto Alonso Rodríguez Moguel,, Beatriz Pico González, Juan Carlos Pérez García,, José Pablo Nuño de la Parra,, Juan Luis Ramírez Marroquín


This research proposes a strategic model based on the components of ontological coaching integrated to strategic planning, assessing whether its application promotes the sustained development of SMEs in the construction sector in Mexico; the theoretical model was generated from the OSAR models of Echeverría (2008) and strategic planning proposed by De la Rosa and Carrillo (2010); from the theoretical model a strategic model was designed, using the analysis of the structural equations, and as a result the non-significance of the relationship between ontological coaching and sustained development is pointed out, however, it presents a highly significant correlation with the strategic planning; this behavior indicates that only integrating the elements of the ontological coaching in the task of the strategic planning, will obtain a highly significant relation with the sustained development.


Ontological coaching, leadership, strategic planning, sustainable development, SMEs, construction sector.

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