Commercial and distribution strategies effectiveness analysis for the spare parts sector

Diana Barrón Villaverde, Pedro Maldonado Suárez, Carlos Arturo Vega Lebrún, María Catalina Ovando Chico


The present article analyzes the commercial strategies currently applied by the leaders of automobile dealers in the United States in Mexico. The objective of this study is to identify the main strategies and validate the construct that determine the brokers' attitudes in the spare part’s commercialization, throughout descriptive statistics and a factorial exploratory analysis throughout principal components. The results of this study show the attitudes of high and low impact on the effectiveness of the strategies formulation. Among the most effective and recommended personal skills for commercial leaders are the following: personal contact with personal relationships (4.3%) and personal sales, recommendations and profitability (4.2%). Whereas, to express negatively from customers (1.3%) or to focus solely on making money (2.2%), are the least appropriate. For that reason, it is better to opt for a long-term relationship with win-win customers. Then, this study provides planners with a perspective on how to improve their skills and resources to increase their effectiveness in their commercialization of spare parts.

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